Comments on: Full Frame vs APS-C cameras: what’s the real difference The latest news, reviews, tutorials and everything photography Mon, 17 Aug 2020 06:52:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Wed, 22 Mar 2017 13:36:00 +0000 In reply to Sergi.

Hi @disqus_bN07kx77ES:disqus, apologies, I only just saw your comment! Thanks for the question. I think it probably depends on what’s most important to you. APS-C cameras are very good and
give you tighter cropping which is useful in some situations, such as
shooting sport, and they’re also lighter. But full frame cameras often
give better image quality (depending upon pixel count) and give greater
scope to restrict depth of field. However, full frame cameras also tend to be bigger and
more expensive. So it’s hard to say which is more versatile. Many
photographers prefer to go for APS-C cameras but that’s often because
they are more affordable. Myself, personally, I shoot with an APS-C camera, a Fuji. The image quality is excellent and it’s smaller and easier to transport around.
